Screening: What to expect...
For me the screening process started with my primary health care practitioner (otherwise known as my Family Doctor). Having a background in Massage Therapy gave me a bit of an advantage as I had studied fibromyalgia in school and also worked with several woman who suffered from it. I pretty much came out and told him that I wanted to be tested and to see a Rheumatologist in regards to fibromyalgia. But for those of you with little or no knowledge here is the process:
First talk to your Doctor about your pain and fatigue - ask their advice on what maybe causing it. You may have to go through several hoops before you get to the topic of fibromyalgia, but don't let them keep steering you away... I know that some Doctor's do not believe fibromyalgia is a true health issue. Be your own advocate, because unfortunately there maybe no one else.
Basic guidelines have been put in place to help with diagnosis, you must have experienced widespread aching pain for at least three months(anything over 3 months is considered chronic), pain must follow certian patterns:
- pain on both sides of the body
- pain above and below the waist
- pain along the length of the spine
and have a minimum of 11 of 18 specific locations on your body that are abnormally tender under relatively mild, to firm pressure. These points are:
- The left or right side of the back of the neck, directly below the hairline
- The left or right side of the front of the neck, above the collar bone (clavicle)
- The left or right side of the chest, right below the collar bone
- The left or right side of the upper back, near where the neck and shoulder join
- The left or right side of the spine in the upper back between the shoulder blades (scapula)
- The inside of either arm, where it bends at the elbow
- The left or right side of the lower back, right below the waist
- Either side of the buttocks below the hip bones
- Either knee cap

When tested these tender points have to occur on both sides of the body, in a fairly even pattern.
Once your family doctor has done this preliminary assessment and agrees that it may be fibromyalgia request to be referred to a Rheumatologist. As fibromyalgia is considered to be under rheumatoid conditions. The specialist will then order a variety of tests. There isn't a single, specific diagnostic laboratory test. In fact, before receiving a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, you may go through several medical tests, such as blood tests and X-rays, only to have the results come back normal. Although these tests may rule out other conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and multiple sclerosis it will not confirm fibromyalgia. A diagnosis of fibromylagia will be a combination of your normal results and the pressure point results.
For myself, I went through having X-rays, lots of blood taken and a bone scan all of which came back normal but including the fact that I had over 13 (that's when the Dr. stopped counting)out of 18 pressure points I recieved the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Now my specialist put it as good news... because I didn't have any of the other diseases... he said "Well I have good news... you only have fibromyalgia."
Up next: Treatment options...
1 comment:
I am also one of many people suffered much pain of Fibromyalgia. I went from doctor to doctor to look for answers regarding my condition. It's really difficult to lead a normal life having this kind of illness.
Rid Fibromyalgia provides a simple process to helps you eliminate all your symptoms of fibromyalgia and enjoy living your life again. This will provides us the best and most effective solutions on how to rid ourselves from pain.
The Rid Fibromyalgia provides an eBook entitled “Heal the Body” that will teach you the best diet that will allow you to eat your way to wellness, it will also document which vitamins and supplements will target and reverse the illness, how to achieve pain relief through acupuncture, what exercises are safe and will work, and what type of medications may make you sicker, and what will work. This eBook takes a step by step approach in showing you how to rid yourself of the pain naturally so that you can take back your life.
Feel free to view this video Fibromyalgia Help. It really gives good information for those who have Fibromyalgia and encourage not to give up because in every pain your getting through has a good solution in the end.
Here's Rid Fibromyalgia, For free info and helpful articles on fighting fibromyalgia.
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